Draw Reins Any Comments Or Ideas On The Use... Or Suggestions For The Use Of Draw Reins And/or Vienna Reins?

Any comments or ideas on the use... or suggestions for the use of draw reins and/or Vienna reins? - draw reins

Every body has used his horse?
What is best to call the reins of Vienna or bridle?
My new old coach used horses reins Vienna to teach seeded for dressage.


duneride... said...

I'm just used to Vienna or the reins as a last resort. This is not really a "head-set" in training - his collection really appropriate in the top line and rounded representation of the horse to reach the tool.

The problem with the equipment training is that the horse and rider can become dependent on them. In addition, as a rule, the creation of a "wrong" library, not the bend the horse in the neck, but actually used on front and rear effect. This will be) as "hollow" and not in any way to train a dressage horse (or horse, for that matter help.

Since your horse is very likely to be familiar with them can be very difficult to find a kind of collection without your help ... But to save time in training in the wrong direction, try all the alternatives (as in working for a truly dynamic before the search to be done to collect, etc. ..). A horse trained outside reins features like a sore thumb in the dressage arena - back to the basics and the establishment of a "genuine link- Remove the fake collection, which has benefited from the reins of a.

Hope this helps!

Krude Kitty said...

All I can say is that I agree with everything Dunerider.
The more you cause the mechanical strength of a horse to a regime of fake, more damage to their true beauty.

The head of the word "together", are eloquent. Why the hell we want "package" of an athlete, flexibility and mobility are our ultimate goal?

To be a horse right under the horse should remain free to the muscles, improve consisting of the original rear end, use, and are willing to be his consolation, and her natural beauty. ..

cowgirle... said...

I draw reins and has worked very well. They just want to make sure that I could use it to find itself in difficulties if you do.

silvaspu... said...

I would not use either both often used as a crutch as a teaching tool. In addition to not clean up allowed in the ring. A well trained horse will not be necessary either and I say this as someone who has trained all types of horses.
Instead of starting on the provision of training materials and flexion exercises so that your horse is not so rigid in their hands. And practice in general or with the same route, would show, or the removal of educational materials on fair results show the same behavior before leading the horse. Your horse can have a nice car with his head control, but when they retired and returned to his tactics show that most people find that they only refer to a series of horse head teaching tool.

carrieke... said...

What is a brake?

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